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"You're a Special Little Spirit", the Great Master said, as he gently caressed the curly hair of the Little Spirit's head.



 "You need to go to earth to spend some time, you know.  It's a place I send most Spirits so that they can learn to grow."




The Little Spirit, in sadness, slowly bowed his head, and from his eye a tear did form and down his cheek it shed.




 "Don't fret now little one, I won't let you stay too long, I'll bring you back to help me here, you'll hardly know that you've been gone. You're my choicest Little Spirit, you're the apple of my eye." And he wiped the tear and gently kissed his Little Spirit good-bye......




"I'm back," the Little Spirit whispered, as he climbed onto his Master's knee, and the Master said, " I told you, you would not be long away from me."


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 And then, the Lord, he noticed still another tear welled in the Little Spirit's eye. "Why are you so sad, Little Spirit, whatever should make you cry?"




 "I'm glad I'm back, the Little Spirit said, but Master you must surely know when your angel came to get me, I did not want to go. I know you said that you needed me, and that I'd be gone the shortest while, but Lord, couldn't I have had a longer earthly trial?"




 The Master let the Little Spirit slip down from off his knee, he firmly took the little hand and said, " Come walk with me."  The Little Spirit and the Lord slowly walked hand in hand, as the Master explained the Little Spirit's special part in the great and marvelous plan.


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 "Now, Lord, I don't mean to argue, I understand that you need me Home. But I left in such a hurry, I left everyone hurting and so alone. I didn't really have enough time to let my earthly parents know how much I loved them so. I was too young to really tell them Lord, how will they ever know? They feel they've been cheated and in a way, so do I. Not getting to share anymore than we did, how can I ever tell them why?"




"Little Spirit, I know your heart is heavy with this message you need to share. But you need not worry anymore, I'll watch over your loved ones there. I'll send them comfort as a strong and helping hand. I'll give them contentment and give peace to their aching hearts, so they will understand."




 The Little Spirit looked up at his Master and said, " Thank you for explaining it to me. And could you please tell them that I'm safe and happy, and that someday they'll be here with me?"




 "Yes, said the Lord with a smile and a nod, I'll tell them all that I can."




 Then the others came to see the Little Spirit, as the Lord let go his hand. He said, "I'll tell them that you're pure, as pure as Heaven's gold, that I needed the warmth of your perfect soul to keep Heaven from getting cold."



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